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Chromosome Browser Introduction

The Chromosome Browser allows you to view and compare the DNA segments that you share with your Family Finder™ matches (autosomal DNA relatives). 

Note: Only Family Finder matches who have opted in to matching are listed. 

Accessing Your Chromosome Browser

You can access your Chromosome Browser from your dashboard or from your navigation bar.

To access from your dashboard:

  1. Sign in to your kit.
  2. On your dashboard, locate the Autosomal DNA Results & Tools widget.
  3. On the Autosomal DNA Results & Tools widget, click the Chromosome Browser button.

To access from your navigation bar:

  1. Sign in to your kit.
  2. On the navigation bar at the top of the page, go to Results & Tools > Autosomal DNA > Chromosome Browser.

Chromosome Browser Quick Overview


The Chromosome Browser contains the following: 

  1. Comparison - Once you select an autosomal DNA match from the DNA Matches section, the match is displayed in this section. You can then click the Compare Relationship button, located toward the bottom of this section, to compare your DNA segments. 
  2. DNA Matches - Your autosomal DNA matches and their shared DNA information is displayed in this section. You can filter and search your matches and select matches for comparison in this section. 
  3. Downloading Segment Data - You can download the segment data for all of your autosomal DNA matches (Download All Segments) or for only the matches you are comparing (Download Segments). 


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