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Return Shipping

There are several key points to remember when mailing your completed DNA sample to us.

  • The Processing Consent Form must be included along with your DNA Sample. Please contact our customer service center if you have lost or damaged your consent form.
  • The name of the DNA donor on the Processing Consent Form must match the name on the kit.
  • Minors under the age of 13 cannot be DNA tested regardless of parental consent, so be sure to fill in the month and year of birth on the form.
  • You cannot re-label collection kits with a kit number different from the one that is printed on the label for that collection kit. If you have lost or damaged your kit, Customer Service will be happy to assist you in getting a replacement sent to you.

IMPORTANT: The Processing Consent Form must contain the name, DOB, genetic sex, and signature of the DNA donor regardless of the person who purchased the test. The name of the tester MUST be on the correct line, so read carefully.

Domestic (U.S.) Return Shipping

  • DNA collection kits mailed within the U.S. from FamilyTreeDNA kits contain a padded return envelope that includes a USPS pre-paid return shipping label.
  • While expedited shipping is available for delivering the kit to you, the return envelope includes standard postage and is not expedited.
  • Should you choose to send your DNA sample(s) with expedited shipping methods other than DHL or different carriers, please note that in many places the return envelope is considered a parcel and not a letter.

NOTE: This return label contained in your kit includes a return tracking number. It is important to make a note of this tracking number for your records before mailing the kit to us. If you have lost your tracking number, please contact customer service and we will be able to provide it. If you use a different carrier for the return, be sure to get tracking and retain that number.

International Return Shipping

DNA collection kits mailed internationally from FamilyTreeDNA kits contain a padded return envelope but do not include a return shipping label as International shipping rates and methods can vary widely, and may require special handling. For more information on International shipping, including customs forms, declarations, import and VAT tax, and more please read our International Shipping article.

Return Shipping Process

Your return shipment can be tracked with the tracking information printed on your return mailing label. It is important to make a note of this tracking number for your records before mailing the kit to us. If you have lost your tracking number, please contact customer service and we will be able to provide it.

Due to the large volume of kits we receive, there is usually some delay between the delivery date provided by return tracking information (regardless of shipping method) and the date your sample is marked as received by our lab in your account.

From the time it is received, the DNA samples and kit information are usually checked in within 2-3 business days after delivery to our office. Depending on mail volume, there may be some delay in this accessioning process. An email will be sent automatically to the primary email address on the kit when your sample is checked into our lab.

If we are unable to check in your sample for any reason, a Customer Service Representative will send an email to the primary email address on the kit requesting more information.

Replacement Kits

If you believe that your returned DNA sample has been lost in the mail, or otherwise destroyed, please contact our customer service department for enquiries about a replacement collection kit. Replacement kits do not incur additional shipping fees in most cases.

When a replacement kit is ordered, there is a chance that the original DNA collection kit sent to you, or the completed DNA sample returned to us, was delayed rather than lost and may still be successfully checked into our lab. In such cases, when you receive the replacement kit, it is crucial not to use it for any other individual. Submitting samples from different individuals under the same kit number can cause significant delays in testing.

IMPORTANT: Do not use a labeled collection kit for more than one individual. This includes any replacement kits received.

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