The Project Administrators Page lists all Group Project Administrators and Co-Administrators as well as their contact information. Projects allow for an unlimited number of administrators and co-administrators, so this tool can be a convenient way to keep track of them or to view their email addresses or phone numbers for contacting them.
Administrators vs. Co-Administrators
Administrators and co-administrators share many of the same responsibilities. Co-administrators cannot invite other administrators or promote or demote other administrators or co-administrators. The main difference between the two is that administrators are able to limit the abilities or privileges of co-administrators. You are able to see which abilities a co-administrator has by clicking on the arrow icon to the left of their name. These abilities are:
- Bulk Email - This option relates to the ability to send emails to the entire project or to specific subgroups. NOTE: The Surname Matches option IS NOT visible to
- Join Authorization - This option is for projects requiring join authorization. It allows you to view and approve join requests.
- Manage Photo Albums - This tool relates to the Photos section of the Activity Feed.
- Member Subgrouping - This option refers to the Member Subgrouping Tool in GAP.
- Moderate Activity Feed - This tool relates to the forum section of the Activity Feed.
- Personal Pages - This is an obsolete function referring to the original public website before the implementation of myGroups. The relevant functionality is now controlled by the Manage Photo Albums and Moderate Activity Feed options.
- Project Profile - This option refers to the Project Profile tool in GAP.
- Public Website - This option refers to the Public Website tool in GAP.
- Welcome Email - This option refers to the Welcome Email tool in GAP.
Administrators are able to restrict certain abilities for co-administrators by unchecking the box next to each tool or ability. They can also promote co-administrators to administrators using the arrow in the column to the right of the person’s name, or remove them from the project entirely using the trash can icon, also to the right of the person’s name. Administrators cannot demote or remove other administrators.
Both administrators and co-administrators can remove themselves from the project by clicking the trash can icon, Administrators can also demote themselves to co-administrators if they wish using the arrow icon.