The Group Time Tree provides a visual representation of the Time to Most Recent Common Ancestor (TMRCA) for members of a group project or subgroup within a group project.
Accessing the Group Time Tree
You can access the Group Time Tree from the public FamilyTreeDNA Discoverâ„¢ page, from the project page, and from your dashboard.
To access from the Discoverâ„¢ page:
- Go to
- In the drop down menu on the left select Group Project.
- If there are multiple projects containing this keyword, a pop up window will display showing the possible projects.
- From the Project homepage, locate the DNA Results link on the left sidebar menu.
- Click DNA Results > Group Time Tree.
To access from your dashboard:
- Sign in to your kit.
- On your dashboard, group projects section in the right hand column.
- From the Project homepage, locate the DNA Results link in the left hand column.
- Click DNA Results > Group Time Tree
To access from your navigation bar:
- Sign in to your kit.
- On the navigation bar at the top of the page, go to Group Projects > Manage Projects
- Select the project you would like to view.
- From the Project homepage, locate the DNA Results link in the left hand column.
- Click DNA Results > Group Time Tree
Group Time Tree Quick Overview
The Group Time Tree provides two main features: the Group Time Tree and the Country Map.
Group Time Tree
The Group Time Tree provides a chart of your haplogroup stretching from ancient times to modern-day, including related branches that descend from a common ancestral haplogroup. In addition you will be able to select specific subgroups within a group project to find common ancestral connections.
Hovering your cursor over any icon in the graph will provide a pop up window explaining a brief summary of that icon's significance. Clicking on each icon will reformat the graph with that icon as the starting point. This allows you to see a more detailed view of a particular sub branch.
Note: The Group Time Tree will only be displayed if the project administrator has enabled SNP results.
Clicking this icon will toggle the following subgroup search options:
Search Bar - This allows you to type in a subgroup name.
- Select all search results - Toggling this will select all subgroups.
- Subgroup list - This lets you select one or many subgroups to display by clicking the checkbox next to each subgroup.
Display Options
To view the display options, click the Display Options button located in the upper-left corner of the graph. You can click Reset to revert the tree back to the first selected Subgroup.
The following options are available:
- Ancient Connections - These are haplogroups found in archaeological remains or derived from ancient SNPs found in modern-day test takers.
- Notable Connections - These are famous historical figures and notable modern day individuals. Their haplogroups have been determined by traditional paper trail genealogy or archeological remains.
- Confidence Bars - This displays a dotted line representing the possible time range for the estimated age of the SNP. The date given for the SNP is the mean of this range.
- Time Tree Height - This adjusts the height of the graph.
Other options
- Reset - This will revert the tree to the SNP first selected.
- Full Screen - This will make the chart fit the entire screen.
Country Map
The Country map displays the countries of origin for all group members. Hovering your cursor over any country will display a pop up window listing the number of project members who have listed that country as their direct paternal country of origin.
Note: This feature is only available if the group project administrator has enabled Project Statistics
The Country Map displays the following options:
- Map View - This displays a global map with all countries that have been listed highlighted in a gradient scale. The darker the color, the more members who have listed that country.
- Table View - This displays a table of the direct paternal country of origins as provided by project members.