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Using the Admin - General Fund Tool

The General Fund tool allows you to check the status of the project’s general fund. All dollar amounts listed on the General Fund tool are in USD.

Accessing the General Fund Tool

To access this page:

  1. Sign in to your GAP account by entering your Project Administrator username and password.
  2. On the navigation bar, hover your cursor over Project Admin and click General Fund on the drop-down menu.


    In the lower section of your GAP dashboard, in the Project Administration section, click General Fund.
    You are directed to the General Fund tool.

Controls and Columns

The General Fund tool contains the following controls:

  • Show Advanced Filter – Click to display the following fields:
    • Kit Number – Allows you to filter/search the table by the kit number to which a portion of the general fund was applied.
    • Transaction Type – Allows you to filter/search the table by either a credit or a debit transaction. Credits are amounts donated to the general fund while credits are payments made from the general fund to test(s).
  • Export Spreadsheet – Click to export the General Fund table to a spreadsheet.

The General Fund tool contains the following columns:

    • Transaction Type – This is either a credit or a debit. Credits are amounts donated to the general fund while credits are payments made from the general fund to test(s).
    • Amount – This is the amount that was credited or debited from the fund.
    • Date – This is the date of the transaction.
    • Donor – If provided, this is the name of the person who donated to the fund.
    • Note – For credits, this is additional information provided by the person who donated.
    • Kit Number – For debits, this is the kit number to which project funds were applied.
    • Donation Type – For credits, this is information provided by the person who donated.

    Each column may be sorted in ascending or descending order. To sort in ascending order (A->Z or 1->10), click on the column name once. To sort in descending order (Z->A or 10->1), click on the column name twice.

Ordering kits and tests using money from your project's General Fund

Ordering a new kit using money from your project’s General Fund:

  1. Sign in to your GAP account.
  2. On the navigation bar, hover your cursor over Project Admin, and click New Member Order on the drop-down menu.
    In the lower section of your GAP dashboard, in the Project Administration section, click New Member Order.
    The shopping cart is opened in a tab. 
  3. In the blue section labeled New Kit 1 on the shopping cart, select the Genetic Sex of the user for which you are ordering the new kit. 
  4. For each test you want to order, click the Add to Kit button to the right of the specific kit.
  5. Verify that the Participate in the “your project’s name” Project check box is selected. 
  6. If you have a coupon code, enter the code in the Coupon Code field in the upper-right of the shopping cart, and click Apply
  7. Click the Proceed to Checkout button. 
  8. On the Checkout page, enter your billing address in the Billing Address section.
  9. Enter the shipping address in the Shipping Address section.
  10. Select the Bill me later check box. 
  11. Click Place Order
  12. Go back to your GAP Dashboard. 
  13. On the navigation bar, hover your cursor over Project Admin, and click Unpaid Products on the drop-down menu.
    In the lower section of your GAP dashboard, in the Project Administration section, click Unpaid Products. You are directed to the Unpaid Products page. 
  14. Click the button to the far right in the Make Payment column. You are directed to the payment page for the kit. 
  15. The balance due for the kit is displayed in the A total of $__ will be deducted from your general fund balance field.
    Note: Partial payments cannot be made through GAP. You must contact the Group Projects Team by phone or email
  16. Click Pay.

A message is displayed noting that the kit owner has been notified (by email) that the group fund donation has been applied to their order, and an email confirmation, kit number, and password will be sent to the email supplied for the tester.

Ordering an Upgrade or Add-on with Your Project's General Fund

Note – You must have Advanced Access to place an upgrade or add-on order.

To order an upgrade or add-on for a member using money from your project’s General Fund:

  1. Sign in to your GAP account.
  2. On the navigation bar, hover your cursor over Reports > Member Reports, and click Member Information on the drop-down menu.
    In the lower section of your GAP dashboard, in the Member Reports section of the dashboard, click Member Information.
  3. Find your project member in the report, and click on their kit number to access their account.
  4. In the upper-right corner of the kit’s dashboard, click the Add Ons & Upgrades button. If you do not see this button, you do not have Advanced Access to this member’s kit and must contact the Group Projects Team.
  5. Order the desired tests and select Bill Me Later as the payment method.
  6. Go back to your GAP Dashboard. 
  7. On the navigation bar, hover your cursor over Project Admin, and click Unpaid Products on the drop-down menu.
    In the lower section of your GAP dashboard, in the Project Administration section, click Unpaid Products.
    You are directed to the Unpaid Products page. 
  8. Click the button to the far right in the Make Payment column. You are directed to the payment page for the kit. 
  9. The balance due for the kit is displayed in the A total of $__ will be deducted from your general fund balance field.
    Note – Partial payments cannot be made through GAP. You must contact the Group Projects Team by phone or email See below for full instructions. 
  10. Click Pay

Making Partial Payment for a Test with Your Project's General Fund

To order a test for which you or the Group Project are paying a portion of the cost: 

If you have Advanced Access to the kit: 

  • Follow the instructions above to place the order. 
  • Write to or call the Group Administrator line at +1 713-868-1438. 
  • Give the kit number and amount to be paid from the Group General Fund. 
  • The agent will place the order and apply the designated amount from the Group General Fund, then send the tester a link to pay the outstanding balance.

Note – You can also have the member add their portion of the payment to the General Fund, and then pay in full through your General Fund. 

If you do not have Advanced Access to the kit: 

  • You must obtain written permission from the tester or kit manager before funds can be applied. 
  • The Group Projects team must receive an email directly from the tester or an email forwarded to them at giving permission for the purchase.
    This email must come from the primary email address on the account, which is the one you will see listed on the Member Information page. 
  • The agent will place the order and apply the designated amount from the Group General Fund, then send the tester a link to pay the outstanding balance.

Note: You can also have the member add their portion of the payment to the General Fund, and the Group Projects team can pay in full through your General Fund.

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