The Y-DNA TiP report allows you to calculate the likely time to a common paternal ancestor for two project members with Y-DNA test results.
Accessing the Y-DNA TiP Report
To access this report:
- Sign in to your GAP account by entering your Project Administrator username and password.
- On the navigation bar, hover your cursor over Reports > Genetic Reports, and click Y-DNA TiP on the drop-down menu.
In the lower section of your GAP dashboard, in the Genetic Reports section, click Y-DNA TiP.
You are directed to the Y-DNA TiP page.
Controls and Columns
The Y-DNA TiP report contains the following controls:
- Compare Markers – Select the testing level for calculations.
- Compare – These are the two men who will be compared.
- Unrelated Generations – If the paper trail indicates that no common ancestor could have lived in a certain number of past generations change the “They do not share a common ancestor in the last # generations” number to refine the calculation.
- Display – Select the interval for calculations.
Note: The number of generations between which mutations could take place is the important factor in calculating the time to the Most Recent Common Ancestor. The number of years per generation is irrelevant in FTDNATiP calculations.