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Using the Admin - Country of Origin Charts

The Country of Origin Charts page allows you to generate charts that display your project members’ direct paternal (Y-DNA) and direct maternal (mtDNA) ancestor’s country of origin and the number of project members who have that country of origin.

The project members’ direct paternal and maternal countries of origin are only displayed if the member provides this information on their FamilyTreeDNA Earliest Known Ancestors tab in Account Settings. If they have not provided this information it will instead state Unknown Origins.

Accessing the Country of Origin Charts Page

  1. Sign in to your GAP account by entering your Project Administrator username and password.
  2. On the navigation bar, hover your cursor over Reports > Member Reports, and click Country of Origins Charts on the drop-down menu.


    In the lower section of your GAP dashboard, in the Member Reports section, click Country of Origins Charts.
    You are directed to the Country of Origins Charts page.

Controls and Columns

The Country of Origin Charts page contains the following controls:

  • Type – Select one of the following:
    • Y-DNA – Include project members’ direct paternal countries of origin in the chart.
    • mtDNA – Include project members’ direct maternal countries of origin in the chart.
  • Subgroup – Select All to display the country of origin for all of your project members who have a country of origin listed for the Type you selected.
    • If you have subgroups created for your project, your subgroups are displayed as available options in this field. Select a subgroup to display the maternal or paternal countries of origin for all members of the subgroup who have a country of origin listed. Subgroups are created on the Member Subgrouping tool.
  • Chart Type – Select one of the following:
    • Pie – Display countries of origin in a pie chart.
    • Column – Display countries of origin in a column chart.
    • Bar – Display countries of origin in a bar chart.
  • Chart Width – Enter a value for the width of your chart. The default is 800 pixels.
  • Chart Height – Enter a value for the height of your chart. The default is 500 pixels. For groups with project members from twenty or more countries, increasing the chart’s height will improve the display of bar charts.

Below the Bar Graph, the Country of Origin Charts page contains the following columns:

  • Country – Paternal or maternal country of origin associated with the project member as provided on the member’s Earliest Known Ancestors tab. If the project member does not have this information entered on their Earliest Known Ancestors tab, Unknown Origin is displayed in this column.
  • Total – The total number of group members who have listed the specified country as their paternal or maternal country of origin

Each column may be sorted in ascending or descending order. To sort in ascending order (A->Z or 1->10), click on the column name once. To sort in descending order (Z->A or 10->1), click on the column name twice.


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