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Your DNA Belongs to You

We won't share your DNA with third parties

We believe your DNA belongs to YOU and only you . . . period. For that reason, we will never sell your DNA to third parties.

We won't share your information with insurance agencies

Because the field of genetics is dynamic and constantly evolving with consistent research being done around the entire genome or parts of it, there is no assurance that the raw data of any tests of any kind may reveal data from which a qualified person may extract health-related information.

We do not share your results other than for the purposes to which you have consented or to which you may consent. In addition, in 2008, GINA (Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act) was passed in the United States. The GINA Act stops insurance firms from using DNA test results to deny coverage. All of your raw data and information are held behind your FamilyTreeDNA sign-in credentials. 


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