How much of my autosomal DNA does Family Finder™ test?
The microarray chip used for Family Finder tests about .024% of your autosomal DNA.
Will everyone in the FamilyTreeDNA database be available to match through Family Finder™?
How will I know about new Family Finder™ Matches?
We will send an email notification for any new Family Finder matches determined to be Immediate or Close matches. We do not send notifications for Family Finder matches that are more distant than 2nd cousins.
When you compare two people’s Family Finder results using third-party tools, it is common for there to be small differences. The FamilyTreeDNA Family Finder program uses a proprietary set of calculations to evaluate shared DNA segments and to determine relationships. The bioinformatics team set thresholds not only to provide the most meaningful matches but also to account for microarray chip technology using current scientific knowledge.
Can I transfer my autosomal DNA results from another company to FamilyTreeDNA?
You may transfer your autosomal DNA results from AncestryDNA™ and MyHeritage™. Click here to learn more about transferring your autosomal DNA.
Note: Until further notice, FamilyTreeDNA is not accepting 23andMe© autosomal transfers.
What Information is shared with my matches?
Self-reported information as well as shared genetic information are shared with matches. You can tailor what information is included, and read more about what information is shared here.