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Public mtDNA Haplotree Overview

Discover the countries of origin for each branch of the mtDNA Haplotree using the world’s largest mtDNA database containing over 5,000 branches and 200,000 mtFull Sequences from nearly 200 different countries.  

Accessing the Public mtDNA Haplotree

To access the Public mtDNA Haplotree when you are not signed in to your kit: 

  1. On the FamilyTreeDNA homepage, scroll down to the footer section at the bottom of the page. 
  2. In the Community section, click mtDNA Haplotree


To access the Public mtDNA Haplotree from your dashboard: 

  1. Sign in to your kit.
  2. On your dashboard, locate the Tests/Tools - Additional Tools & Tests widget.
  3. On the Tests/Tools - Additional Tools & Tests widget, click the Public Haplotrees button.
  4. In the upper-left corner of the Public Haplotrees page, click the mtDNA Haplotree tab. 

Navigating the Public mtDNA Haplotree

Navigating the Haplogroups

To navigate to a haplogroup:  

On the haplogroup navigation bar at the top of the page (the letters A through Z), click on the haplogroup name (letter). For example, if you want to navigate to the S haplogroup, click on the S on the navigation bar.

Navigating to a Specific Branch 

Each haplogroup is made up of branches. Each branch is a specific position on a haplogroup's haplotree.

To navigate to a specific branch:

  1. At the top of the Public mtDNA Haplotree page, in the Go to Branch Name field, enter the specific branch to which you want to navigate. Make sure to enter the complete branch including the haplogroup.
  2. Press Enter on your keyboard. You are directed to the haplogroup page in which the branch is located, and the branch is highlighted in gray.

Note: You can click the + sign next to a branch to see the downstream branches for that branch.

Maternal Countries of Origin

Viewing Maternal Countries of Origin

To view the Maternal countries of origin:

  1. In the upper-left corner of the Public mtDNA Haplotree page, click the View by drop-down list and select Countries.
    The haplotree displays the maternal countries of origin that are associated with each branch.
  2. You can navigate the different haplogroups and branches to see the associated maternal countries of origin.
    You can enter a country in the Search by Country field to highlight the branches that have a reported origin for that country.

Note: All origins are self-reported by FamilyTreeDNA testers and may not reflect accurate haplogroup origins.

When viewing maternal countries of origin:

  • Hover your cursor over a country's map icon to display the name of the country.
  • The number listed below a country's map icon is the number of testers who reported that country as a maternal country of origin.
  • If more than 15 countries of origin are associated with a branch, a number is displayed to the right of the row. Click on the number to display the full list of countries.

Viewing the Country Report for a Branch

To view the Country Report for a branch:

  1. Navigate to the branch for which you want to view the Country Report.
  2. At the far right of the branch's row, click the three vertical dots, and select Country Report.
    The Country Report is displayed.

Reading the Country Report

The Country Report contains the following columns:

  • Maternal Origin - Reported country of maternal origin.
  • Branch Participants (specific branch) - Number of participants who are assigned to that specific branch who have reported the country as their maternal origin.
  • Downstream Participants - Number of testers who are assigned to the specific branch and testers who are downstream of the specific branch (excluding other haplogroups) who have reported the country as their maternal origin.
  • All Downstream Participants - Number of testers who are assigned to the specific branch and testers who are downstream of the specific branch (including other haplogroups) who have reported the country as their maternal origin.
  • Distribution - Percentage distribution of testers assigned to the branch and all downstream branches who have reported the country as their maternal origin.

mtDNA Haplotree Variants

Viewing Variants

To view variants:

  1. In the upper-left corner of the Public mtDNA Haplotree page, click the View by drop-down list and select Variants.
    The haplotree displays the variants associated with each branch.
  2. You can navigate the different haplogroups and branches to see the associated variants.
    You can enter a variant in the Search by Variant field to highlight the branches that have that variant.

When viewing variants:

  • If a multitude of variants are associated with a branch, a number is displayed to the right of the row. Click on the number to display the full list of variants.
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