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myOrigins® Introduction

myOrigins® is a feature of our Family Finder™ test. This feature provides you with a percentile breakdown of the populations to which your autosomal DNA is connected. We refer to this as your origins.

Accessing myOrigins®

You can access myOrigins® from your dashboard or from your navigation bar.

To access from your dashboard:

  1. Sign in to your kit.
  2. On your dashboard, locate the Autosomal DNA Results & Tools widget.
  3. On the Autosomal DNA Results & Tools widget, click the myOrigins® button.

To access from your navigation bar:

  1. Sign in to your kit.
  2. On the navigation bar at the top of the page, go to Results & Tools > Autosomal DNA > myOrigins®.

myOrigins® Quick Overview


  1. home.jpg - Click to go back to your dashboard. 
  2. download.jpg - Click to download your myOrigins® version 2 results. (If you received your Family Finder results after September 22, 2020, you only have version 3 results.)
  3. help_button.jpg - Click to open the Help Center. 
  4. close_sidebar.jpg - Click to close the Origins sidebar. 
  5. Description - This section displays the information about each of your Population Clusters. 
  6. myOrigins® tab - Displays the percentile breakdown of your origins. 
  7. Compare Origins tab - Allows you to compare your origins with your matches. 
  8. myOrigins® Map - Displays color-coded sections of your Population Clusters. 
  9. zoom_in.jpg - Click to zoom in on the map. zoom_out.jpg - Click to zoom out. 


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