The FamilyTreeDNA dashboard is where you can access all of your test results, tools, and other features that are important to you. You can also arrange the dashboard as you wish for easy access to your favorite features.
Your Updates
Your updates section is displayed on the right side of your dashboard. This section displays FamilyTreeDNA policy and document updates, available surveys, and other current topics important to you.
Group Projects
The Group Projects section is displayed on the right side of your dashboard and lists the Group Projects to which you belong.
At the bottom of this section, you can:
- Click on you can access the full list of available Group Projects and navigate to your Project Preferences page in Account Settings.
Family Ancestry - Autosomal DNA Results & Tools
(This widget is only displayed if you have ordered a Family Finderâ„¢ (autosomal DNA) test.)
The Family Ancestry widget contains the navigation buttons for your autosomal DNA results & tools.
Paternal Ancestry - Y-DNA Results & Tools
(This widget is only displayed if you have ordered a Y-DNA test.)
The Paternal Ancestry widget contains the navigation buttons for your Y-DNA results & tools. The available tools will depend on which Y-DNA tests you have taken.
Maternal Ancestry - mtDNA Results & Tools
(This widget is only displayed if you have ordered an mtDNA test.)
The mtDNA widget contains the navigation buttons for your mtDNA tools. The available tools will depend on which mtDNA tests you have taken.
Test/Tools - Additional Tools & Tests
The Test/Tools widget contains the navigation buttons to your Family Tree, the public haplotrees, and other tests and tools that are available to you.
Customizing Your Dashboard
Setting Display Options
The Dashboard Display Options functionality allows you to show or hide product descriptions.
To set your display options:
- In the upper-right corner of your dashboard, click on Customize Dashboard .
- On the drop-down menu, click Dashboard Display Options. The Dashboard display options window is displayed.
- To display an item on your dashboard, select the corresponding check box.
- To hide an item on your dashboard, clear the corresponding check box.
Customize Your Dashboard
The Customize Your Dashboard functionality allows you to rearrange (move around) the widgets on your dashboard.
To rearrange your dashboard:
- In the upper-right corner of your dashboard, click Customize Dashboard.
- In the drop-down menu, click Rearrange Dashboard. Your dashboard is displayed in Rearrange mode. Note that your widgets are shaded gray.
- Click on the widget that you want to move.
- While continuing to press your mouse button or other pointing device, drag the widget to the desired location.
- Release your mouse button or pointing device.
- To exit out of rearranging, click the blue Exit Rearrange button at the center, top of the dashboard.