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Understanding the Admin - Public Results Display Settings Tool


As a group administrator, you have wide leeway in what information is displayed on your project website. This is controlled largely on the Public Website Tool. The Y-DNA and mtDNA results pages on the public project website are displayed as pseudonymized data. This means that they list group members’ kit numbers and haplogroups as well as their last name and/or country of origin if you have selected these options. It does not list their full names. 

However, you may find that the Y-DNA or mtDNA information for a particular group member is irrelevant to your research goals. For example, you may have a test taker with an mtDNA test that is not applicable to your Y-DNA project.



The columns labeled Display Y-DNA and Display mtDNA indicate if the members' DNA results are being displayed on the respective results pages. If you think the members’ test results will not be productive to your research goals, you can hide them on this page. If you choose not to display this data, you will still be able to see the information through the applicable results pages in GAP.

Genealogical Information

In addition to the privacy settings of members, this page also lists the paternal and maternal country of origin associated with the project member as provided on the member’s FamilyTreeDNA Account Settings Earliest Known Ancestors tab.

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